Monday, February 23, 2009

March On WALL STREET, April 3 & 4

In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr: Announcing a NATIONAL


April 3 & 4

Assemble at 1 pm both Friday, April 3 & Saturday, April 4 at the Intersection of Wall & Broad Streets (The Stock Exchange)

Friday APRIL 3 AND Saturday APRIL 4

Bail Out the People
Not the Banks

Yes, 2 days starting Friday. More people from around the country will join us Saturday – Watch for assembly locations and times.

March on Wall Street on the Anniversary on the day Martin Luther King gave his life fighting for social and economic justice.

Why? Because we must demand that the needs of the people come before the greed of the super rich. Millions are jobless and homeless, and millions more will be living on the streets if the government continues to waste trillions of dollars on saving wealthy bankers instead of saving people.

Dr. King would have been appalled and opposed to the terrible siege of Gaza as well as the continuing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And just as King knew that the struggle for civil rights at home had to also be part of the struggle against war abroad, he understood that no one, regardless of their race would be free until everyone had the right to a decent paying job or an income for those unable to work. Most importantly, King also understood that “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” The time for suffering in silence has come to an end.

Nothing will change unless our desperation and anger is channeled into a mighty movement that unites and fights. It’s time to march on Wall St. Come to the march, and tell everyone you know to come with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will attend the demonstration. I will inform all people I come into contact with. The realities of our world are what we want. To change the reality is simple. But we have to be united in our want for change. Ask yourself why are we in so many foreign countries, militarily. This could change overnight if our troops decided in their own minds that it was wrong. They could just say "I am not playing this game anymore", and make their way home. Anything can be changed , we have to want the change to happen.