Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Draft Emergency Bail Out the People Program

Bail Out the
People Movement
Draft Working Paper
Realizing the Fightback—Some Perspective and Plans

The following was adopted at the Jan. 17 Fightback Conference in NYC. It is a work in progress.

Phase 1: Establishing a fightback program
Phase 2: May Day— a possible turning point in the fightback
Phase 3: March on Washington, D.C. for Jobs
Convening a People’s Assembly
Proposed Campaigns •Mobilizations •Draft Fightback Program
1. Campaigns
A. Organizing the unemployed on a mass basis
B. A People’s Assembly
C. Support and expand Moratorium Now!
D. Solidarity with immigrant workers
E. Recruiting an army of volunteer organizers

Link to Draft Emergency Bail Out the People Program

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