Thursday, February 26, 2009

Michigan Coalition for Human Rights presents Fighting Foreclosures, March 5 , Barth Hall

There isn't an area of the city, SE Michigan, or the nation that hasn't been impacted by foreclosures, but it has hit hardest in poor areas among African Americans and Hispanics, causing erosion in cities and suburbs alike. Come and learn about the causes of foreclosures, its impact on families, and what is happening locally to begin to stem the tide.

Won't you join us on :

Thursday, March 5th 7 p.m.: "Fighting Foreclosures" ,
Speakers: Vanessa Fluker Esq.
Jerry Goldberg Esq.

"Two of the area's fiercest defenders of victims of predatory lending.

Location: Barth Hall
St Paul's Cathedral, Woodward and Warren, Detroit
Lit, Secure Parking, driveway off Warren, east of Woodward

$5 Donation accepted.

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