Wednesday, August 13, 2008

08Aug12: Outreach to Churches

The day after the first staff meeting significant outreach started to
churches. Direct contact with several pastors was made by phone -
messages were left for others. One leaflet drop off was coordinated with
the Moratorium NOW! office and another church agreed to put the
information in the bulletin.

Pointers to keep in mind - one Detroit pastors told the Moratorium
organizer that he was not aware of anyone affected! When she rightly
pointed out that people are often too ashamed to admit they are losing
their homes, he told her she was probably correct. The pastor of a
downtown church stated most of his parishioners are renters who suffer
high rent increases. (Although not covered in SB 1306, it is related to
the increasing cost of credit and mortgages - even commercial mortgages
- but in Detroit is related to the gentrification of downtown and the
conversion of buildings to high price condos - no seniors trying to
survive on social security welcome!)

Lists of organizations and individuals are coming in! The mailing is
almost ready to go!

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